...But, let's talk clean, shall we? I am a firm believer that 2x1 or 3x1...especially 2x2, 3x3... or anything higher than a simple 1x1 rib looks messy and stretched out on socks. (Yes, there are exceptions, as in full body ribbing on the leg.) So, should you never use those kinds of ribs on the edges of other projects? Heck no. They look great on hats and other such knitted items. However, what does happen to 2x1, 3x1 or other such ribs is that the cuff gets stretched out...and ugly. After wearing it over and over again, your sock probably won't spring back like it should. Not only are 1x1 ribs pretty, and has much elasticity, there is also another option in that family: K Tbl's (knitting through the back of the loop). If you *K1 Tbl, P1* across every round, not only will your cuff be very elastic, it holds the integrity of the knit stitch to the fullest. Look closely at my cuff. When you stretch it, only the purls are being stretched, thus keeping the knit stitch intact and not stretching in that ugly way it does with other ribs. Those little V's stay V's. Period. Isn't that a beautiful thing?
I highly recommend you try this rib, if you haven't already, on your next socks. You won't be disappointed.
I use 2x2 hehehehe It's faster =P
I can't wait to try that 1x1 trick on my next pair of socks! Always looking for a way to keep socks looking good. Thanks.
I forgot to comment when I read this the other day... I've always hated the way 1x1 looked, and when I did that ribbing for my Monkey socks I swore I'd never use plain old 1x1 again! Isn't it pretty? BTW, all your dyed yarns looks pretty, but I love this one especially. :)
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