Designed by Anna PeckThis free pattern has been removed 10/17/12. It may or may not return, but if it does, it will be tweaked and pdf’ed and available for an inexpensive $1.99 price.

General Information:
SIZE- Standard (ONE)
-Set of five double pointed needles, size 5 US (or size 6 US for larger hands)
-1 Skein of Lion Brand Worsted Weight “Wool-Ease” in Dark Rose Heather (Color #139, Lot# 8459), or in any color you wish.
-Ring Marker
-4 Stitch Holders or large safety pins
-Cable Needle
-Tapestry Needle
5 stitches/ 7 rows= 1 inch in stockinette stitch
The fingerless gloves look fabulous and have just the perfect alpaca fiber to use.
On a different note, check out my blog to see how I justified my name of your fiber for the contest.
Those cables look great! Mmm, I love cables...
do you do both hands the same?? I just made the Urban fingerless and they are both right hands.. If I put one on the left it doesn't look right where the thumb gusset is??
You do knit them the same because the front and back sides of the mitts are identical.
Oh, and it's been a while since I've knit it up, but the gusset should be right on the side of the mitt.
These look really cute! Since I'm not a fan of showing off my fingers when they can be covered (knitting make them dry and such :p), I think I'll borrow your pattern for the wrist-part and make them into mittens and/or gloves. Haven't found the perfect pattern for the kind I want yet, so it helps when I can mix and match from others! If I publish my pattern on ravelry (where I found yours), I'll be sure to write the link to your page, of course. Your blog looks really pretty and interesting btw! Great design too. =) Thanks again and have a nice day!
Under your instructions for the INDEX FINGER you write "use the next 6 sts next to the finished pinky." The index finger is next to the thumb, so I don't understand this instruction. Or are you talking about the RING finger instead?
That's right. I wonder why no one brought that to my attention earlier. Must have drunken a bottle of wine while typing "index" and "ring" fingers. Oi Vay.
It should be fixed now.
I have been struggling with the fingers for weeks now. Are you knitting right or left handed? You say the gusset should be on the right in one of your comments so does that essentially mean al the new stitches in the fingers should be toward the side with the gusset? Also when you say make stitches from the gap do you mean entirely new stitches or stitches you pick up from the previous finger? I am seriously overthinking this now as I am so confused. Any help is truly appreciated.
I think you misread it. "It should be right on the side of the mitt" in the gusset is on the side of the mitt,..and both mitts are done the same since they are identical. It shouldn't matter what handed-ness you are, but anyways I'm right-handed.
The whole gap thing depends on what finger you are working. Make sure you read through the instructions all the way. It will tell you where to pick up new stitches... Example, for the pinky: between the first and the last needles you are picking up stitches (these are from the actual fabric, and not stitches that were saved). There is a lot of picking up stitches from the actual fabric to help widen the finger part of the glove.
Hope this helps...
The gusset thing was definitely me overthinking things. The secondary issue of overthinking is that I don't understand what you mean by gap. For example, for the pinky, the instructions say "make 4 stitches from the gap area in between those two needles from the right edge of the mitt." Is the gap the central area of the mitt? So for that pinky, my first row is: k, k, k, k, m1, m1, m1, m1, k, k, k, k with the caveat that those m1 should not be new stitches but pulled from the existing fabric?
no..don't do increases during the pinky...when you set up the two needles with the four saved stitches each...on the right side of the glove in between those two needles is an area...a gap i call it...and pick up four stitches from the existing can use your needle our crochet hook to achieve .
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