The ceremony was three solid hours long. Good thing I went to the bathroom first, right? There was 2 hours of just name name was called toward the end. People were so bored they were actually text-messaging people. lol. This ceremony was for the college of liberal arts and science, meaning that there were just 1,600 students there. Yeah. My family spent the whole 3 hours trying to find me among the crowd. They saw me only when they called my name. Look among the audience. You'll notice that several rows are dedicated to all of the graduates that couldn't fit into the center of the arena.
I treated myself to a mystic tan for my graduation, so I wouldn't be so pasty-white. Here's a concept: don't bend your arms while studying'll regret the dark patch spots. My tan looked great, except for my hands. God did they look awful. For some reason, my hands had weird patches of dark bronze on my hands. I did everything they told me to during the spray. Who knows.
This ought to make you laugh. This is my aunt and uncle from Tennessee. Yes, he's wearing boots too. No more words are necessary, I think.
Ok, on to the GIFTS!!! I have to admit, the gifts were better than any Christmas I've had. They were better than combined Christmases. I got spoiled rotten, and I mean it! Ok, I have bragging rights for one post this month (or year), right?
A Spinning wheel!!!!!! Yay! Isn't she gorgeous?? This was a gift from my grandpa, aunt Charlene (picture) and parents. They out did themselves, even adding in the chair. This is an Ashford "Elizabeth II" spinning wheel made in New Zealand. It came with a lazy kate too, which is hiding in the picture. I just tried this out the other day, basically having to learn it myself...because the little booklet isn't that helpful. Surprisingly, Youtube doesn't offer much either when it comes to how-to's on spinning with a wheel.
It looks like a double-drive, single treadle wheel. It takes a little getting used to. I'm spinning up some pink yarn right now and the result is less than satisfying. But hey, it's my first time. I'll get used to how long to spin it before feeding it into the wheel, and how to actually draft fiber efficiently.
It's so pretty to look at. It really looks great when the sunset hits my room.
My Aunt really outdid herself. She also stuck with the "spinning" theme and got me some rare things. This is a "Rumpelstiltskin" plate from Germany. I have the certificate and everything. She also got me a necklace made from another broken plate (rare plates) with another "Rumpelstiltskin" character on it, AND alpaca yarn, AND all of these neat pins with knitterly things written on them. The pictures are below.
Joe's parents and grandparents really outdid themselves too! Man! Joe's grandparents bought me a gorgeous pearl necklace, and his parents, a pearl bracelet. Looks like I'm set already for my wedding accessories! Aren't they beautiful? My grandfather also gave me jewelry. My grandmother's diamond necklace, the last grand thing he bought her 4 months before she passed away (the day after mother's day in '00). I feel privileged to inherit such a magnificent piece of work, and now feel obligated to wear it to my wedding. Somehow. I don't know how that is going to happen when I plan to wear the pearl necklace. Maybe I should wear it during the rehearsal dinner.
NOTE: I have taken the precaution of taking the jewelry and locking them up in someone 's home. Sorry, no big ideas for anyone. They are securely hibernating.
And now for the grand finale!!!!! I used all of my gift-money as a down-payment on my brand new car! It's a 2008 Honda civic, equipped with everything I could ever ask for: sunroof, great gas mileage, power-locks, lock remotes, a navigation system (with the built-in command system where you talk to your car and it does stuff for you. I mainly use it to change the radio stations or tell it to "go home."). This car seriously spoils me...but know that I am going to be paying out of the wazoo for it for the next 5 years.
Again, don't get any ideas. 2008's can't be stolen, hot-wired, and the navigation system cannot be taken out and still work. If my battery dies, the navigation system thinks it's being stolen and won't work without a code. I feel safe knowing that the whole car has anti-theft...everywhere. I mean, it can't even be hot-wired? Hazaah! Go Honda. Finally using some brains.
I just finished Water for Elephants. It was great! After dyeing up 14 skeins of yarn a couple of days ago, I'm recuperating. I went to the theaters with Joe to watch "Iron Man" (a great movie, by the way), I've been exercising again, putting my room back together, and I plan to spend the rest of my Saturday reading and watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, S.1" (thanks Joe! Now I'm going to waste another countless hours of my life watching more series that you get me hooked on) and reading a new book. Ahh. This summer will be spent teaching 6 piano students, working at my part-time job, working for my etsy shop and maybe babysitting for my neighbors once a week. I'm not planning on aquiring a full-time job until Joe and I figure out where we are going to live once he get's his biomedical job. It will all work out, I keep telling myself. Patience is a virtue.
"Gatsby" members. I just emailed you all. If you did not get an email from me today, let me know.
The best thing to use is a fabric shaver. The best one I know of is on the link.
Congrats! You sure did get spoiled. That spinning wheel is gorgeous and you will be spinning in no time flat. Check out some of the Ravelry groups. There is one for Ashford owners and some other spinning groups that should be able to help you a lot. I have two wheels and taught myself and once you get it you will be making beautiful yarn!
Congratulations on your graduation! Those are some fabulous gifts!!!
nice, you should go take lessons with toni at the fold for the spinning wheel. The only problem with yours is that it's not a traveling one. Nice car, black? You chose black??? hmm. . . now you get to come and visit me!!!! Yay!! BTW how much gift money did you get? Damn!
the above was from me. . .accidently under my bf's e-mail.
I'm envious of your Wheel, well both actually!!!
Next years graduation from Dalhousie University is going to be about that long, ugh, all the people and not to mention "the Heat" ugh...
Best of luck to you! Happy Spinning!
Congratulations on both Graduating, and receiving your spinning wheel!
You'll do great things with both!
I'll be watching for yarn.....
Best of luck, Anna.
Congrats, Anna! Wow! You got some fantastic gifts:) While I oohed and ahhed over the car and the jewelry, the dork in me really salivated over the wheel and chair! A nice way to end 4 years of torture!
This is definitely your time to shine! Congratulations on finishing your degree. Any career plans to follow?
I hope you really enjoy your new wheel and I look forward to some awesome new additions to your Etsy shop in the form of handspun goodies ;)
I guess future posts will be wedding related, now? ;)
Congrats again!
You must feel so loved!! :)
your spinning wheel looks wonderful!!
Also-- Things will work themselves out -- they always do!
Lastly, I can't wait to see some handspun yarns!
Lovely wheel, I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Awesome gifts! I love my honda (an Element)
Congrats again!
Congrats! I'm totally more jealous of the spinning wheel. I wish we had room for one in our tiny ass apartment.
I read ahead and your singles are looking good!
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