Feast your eyes on this!!
First off, I just want to say thank-you to everyone who has cheered me on, and shared my depression on unfair exams! You gals are awesome, and I would do a group hug if I could!! :)
It stinks that bad (exams) happen to (good) people. ha ha.
On to knitterly things:
I am really sorry about the delay, oh wonderful craftsters. I know you all have been very patient for some more eye-candy that has not been sufficiently provided. Darn you academia and non-approved weather!! Anyways, if you live in the Midwest, you probably have empathy for my woes of sticky needles and sweltering rooms this past week. I'm sick of 90 degree weather...my room does not have air-conditioning. But, that's ok, it will start cooling off tomorrow, finally.
I am knitting up the cardigan, but 6'' of 1x1 ribbing goes a little slowly when you are working in the heat, and on 180-ish stitches with size 6 needles.
However, I am almost to the more exciting part (increasing), and will post pictures as soon as the cardigan starts to resemble a snippet of a garment.
I am also excited to announce that I have finally came up with the: suspect, a couple of awesome "big events" that happen in my plot, and some dynamics to my main characters in my "knitting mystery" book. I definitely don't want to wimp on the suspense & hair-raising moments (that some "cozy" books miss), so I came up with something good for now. However, I still don't have an outline on the plot, so this whole preliminary work will take time. Then, I have to figure out the "guidelines" of some mystery publishers. (Most people don't realize that the biggest reason that people get rejected is that they didn't think to get the official "guidelines" for certain sub-genres.) Mystery books have many genres, and you have to be ultra-careful while writing that you meet the criteria of whatever sub-genre you choose. Yikes.
The two skeins of lace and the Victorian Lace Today book was from a distant cousin in Seattle Washington, that just found out that I knit! The short story was that my dad visited Seattle on a business trip, somehow got on the topic about me, told her about me knitting, and she grabbed this pile out of her own house to give to me!! Wasn't that amazing?!? Thank-you Cindy! You're amazing!

On the left is a mystery skein of lace-weight in a almost light royal blue & dark brown. The other skeins is from Prism yarns, in the gorgeous colorway: Ginger.
I love awesome surprises like this! I've always drooled over this book at Borders.
This was from last Saturday, at Wilson's Apple Orchard.

The funny part (sad, really) was that we couldn't pick apples, because of the early frost. Ironic, really, since it's soo hot here.

This snap-shot was intriguing.
We did take a walk around the orchard.

This lovely gentlemen offered our huge group a ride! We rode for at least a half an hour around the orchard, and finally over a creek! Luckily there was enough room for our large group of 15. It was really nice to relax while the tractor did all the work. It was a lovely day. The air was a bit chilly and we had a picture-perfect sunset view above the orchard.
In the meantime, I will leave you with a paradox to answer:
Q: How is it that sometimes, you can feel soo comfy/lazy not leaving your house (ex: just feeling like watching tv) that the mear thought of going outside seems...."blah," yet feel so wonderful being outside that you don't want to come back, once you finally get that nudge to the "world" outside? Do you catch my drift?
This question was hard to formulate, since it's based off of those feelings you get, and I apologize now, because it might only sound clear in my head.
Ok, time to find air-conditioning somewhere in this residence to knit and play some more "catch-up" on my readings:
Luther, Botany & Christian Science.
Current pleasure reading:
Knit Fast, Die Young, by Mary Kruger
The Cairo Diary, by Maxim Chattham.
The underwear is a bit odd but the thought was nice. Hey everyone loves a care package!
I go apple picking this weekend I'm so excited!!
How cool that you are writting a Mystery. The weather here has been pretty hot too. Love that Pumpkin pic. Sounds like you had a nice time at the orchard even though you didn't get to pick apples.
Your cousin rocks to give you such a wonderful array of things. You are loved.
Cool weather is on the way...most of the country is experiencing that same amazing thing of lingering heat in an extended summer. Hard to get excited about knitting pullovers, scarves, and hoodies in the heat.
So...a mystery writer as well? What? School and knitting aren't enough? Where do you find the time?
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