Here's the deal-io. I'm using lace-weight in darker colors, because I like the idea of the shawl having the dark colorwork like in the movies.
I'm knitting on size 7 needles, as requested in the book. However, um, it looks too loose! I should just call it the "visibility shawl."
I've been stretching it this way, and that way, pretending to block it, but I really think the needles are too big to hold the integrity of the stockinette patches surrounding the Yo's.
What do YOU think?
Can blocking really salvage something this loose? Or should I just frog it and start on smaller needles? I'd rather it be a faster project...and not with smaller needles, but if it won't look good even after being's frogito territory.

I personally would frog it and start with smaller needles. I've had very limited success making something smaller with blocking. It's possible, but really frustrating and spotty.
I've never made or seen this pattern but those stocking stitches look huge!
It does look like its too big. I haven't done much lace before but if you're unhappy just start again. You haven't made THAT much progress which is least you wouldn't have to frog a ton of work. Good luck!
I'm just starting to practice knitting lace patterns, but this is the first project I want to attempt. Only thing is, I'm finding the same problem... "Is US7 too big, or am I paranoid?" I'm thinking it's too big. Can't think of any pattern using lace-weight yarn with larger than size US4 (maybe US5) needles off the top of my head. Maybe size US6 or US5. I'm with you on the argument for speed... Size three and smaller needles are no fun! (Not to mention think of all the amount of yarn required!)
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