Mr. Paci and I had a great day! We spent 3 hours at the 2nd annual Midwest Fiber Fair last Saturday. We shopped around-lusted almost entirely over everything-and even mingled with a couple of suri alpacas. This fella above is happy to see another alpaca that looks like him! I even meet Bobbi from my sidebar right away when I got to the fair! What a sweety!! I think she had a great time too at the fair.

It was really funny and sad...they both were whinning the whole time. I have a video that I'll load to youtube later on, and you can see them walking around and whinning. The owner said that she brought one that was sheared, and one not, so that everyone could see the difference in what the hair does. Sheared or not, they both were very pettable...

See much lately, dude? Ha ha ha.... (I swear, they are always grinning!)

So, ok. Here is one of the many locations where the vendors were (I really like the layout better for last year's fair...becauses everything was together!). People were selling in the hallways, in the gym, upstairs, and even outside. It was a bit much, and I couldn't remember which hallways I hit.

This picture doesn't do justice to the vendor's station here. It was very trippy looking at all of her brightly colored rovings. She even did free felting demonstrations (which I missed). That's the table on the right.

Now this is what I need! A sock machine! Man am I jealous now.

This was a little small peice of heaven, this little walkway! You should have seen the soft skeins of sockyarn and rovings! They were selling sea-mineral blended yarn (or whatever), with some other weird stuff, and it looked and felt amazingly soft. I was a cheapo, and didn't buy really any real yarn, because it was at least 26 dollars a skein for anything. So, I kept buying rovings...and rovings...and more rovings!

He seems to be famous. Never heard of him. I have a couple more pictures of him if you are interested.

OK, some vendors were outside.

It's like light to mosquitoes, right? It just draws you in!

Here's the damage! I only bought two small skeins of yarn, but mucha mucha rovings to make my own pretty yarn!

I have finished spinning the double-plied yarn on the spinning wheel. I will post more eye-candy later after it has dried. You don't want to see the curlies, I suspect...so you'll just have to wait, like me!
Pictures: hopefully tonight!
Looks like you had fun! I can't wait until October for SAFF.
Yeah, just wait till Stitches. . . . . oooooooooooooooo. . .yeah I'll be there. I couldn't be there this weekend because 1. I was sick, 2. I was supposed to work run crew
yeah LoL
Oooh!!!!!!! Me likey! I wish I was still home when this fair happened, but I was already back on the east coast:( Look forward to seeing all those lovely rovings spun up!
Nice haul! I'm going to have to mark my calendar for next year :)
Fiberfests are so much fun! especially if you have someone to go with! Glad you had a good time.... can't wait to see the eye candy.
I so wish I could have gone!! I = jealous!!
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