Well, I'd say it's been long enough, and everyone has their package by now! Here was the pattern I designed for Liz's June sockclub. I dub thee "Creature from the Black Lagoon."
What I really like about this pattern is that it it's playful, with the scales and divided toes. You can even wear them with sandals...if you're into that thing. Plus it keeps your footsies cool in the summer, with all of the lace.
They were knit on size 2's. The pattern is pretty easy to remember. it was a matter of actually sitting down and knitting another pair of sock (after doing socks month after month).
This one below really is hilarious to me. It's just so creepy...which is what the pattern has to live up to, in some way. *shivers* I really like the close-up. This picture really shows off the lace and toes all in one, which was really hard to capture while millions of mosquitoes were sucking the living blood out of me.
I seriously got 10 bites on my right arm. But I think the pictures were worth it by my pond in the back of my house.
Until next time, a new design. One red alpaca raglan coming right up! Stay tuned!
I love the lace pattern, think I would keep looking at my toes
Love them! They're great. You rock!
I really like this pattern! way to go!
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