Tuesday, December 16, 2008
New beginnings
I will announce the winners of the ornament charity & send their prizes after everything has settled down. To those in the Winter club, I am trying my best to send the packages within the next day or so. It is very hard to work among these troubling things, as well as a torn ligament/muscle in my right elbow. I can't even put my hair up in a ponytail at this point. Thanks in advance for your patience, and I promise that everything will get settled that needs to be settled.
Please keep my family, my soon-to-be family, my neighbor friend (Craig, undergoing complications from surgery), and if you have time...myself in your prayers. Thank you.
Monday, December 01, 2008
"Deck out the tree 4 charity" (ends the 12th!) Contest too!
A simple gift of hand-knit (or crocheted or sewn) ornaments to lighten up a stranger's heart.
This whole paragraph will seem a little weird, but I had a dream Saturday night (the day after I visited my grandfather) that I was in some sort of wreck and lost all of my money and possessions and for some reason, barely clothed besides a long shirt. I was very embarrassed walking among all the people in my dream. I ended up begging some people on the subway to loan me a couple of dollars so I could go to a Dollar Tree or thrift shop to buy shorts, pants, pj bottoms....anything to not be half-nude. It was amazing how much I had to plead with these people to donate a just few bucks. I ended up waking up in the morning with tears streaming down my cheeks. I haven't balled in my dreams for quite a long time. The dream was intense. Disturbing. An actual reality for someone around this planet, I'm sure. It reminded me of how cold it is getting now, and how I should be putting more efforts into charity knits.
So, without further ado (and hopefully you read most of above to get the gist), I'm starting a new charity organization that is devoted to knitting each and every single 100+ resident from that nursing home a knit holiday ornament: "Deck Out That Tree!" I am asking each and every one of you to see if you can find it in your time this week to knit some ornaments with the pattern I provided below. If it turned out that only a dozen people sent me just a few ornaments, it would save a tremendous amount of time on my part. I can only do so much, and knit so fast in under a month. Whether or not you do it as a competition, the top 3 people to send me the most ornaments will receive free knitting yarn & goodies (see contest info below). Any other peeps will receive a new free KUAS pattern via email. SO PLEASE LEAVE A STICKY NOTE WITH YOUR NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS in the package so that I send you your stuff. I really feel like I was meant to do/start this project this year. But I know realistically, I'm gonna need a lot of help from you all. I have a small tree in our living room that will be filled up during the week with all of the knit organizations. I hope to fill the entire tree up.
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh, and of course (a very late, but promised) picture with my shorter hair.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hey everyone! I'm just in here to wish you all a wonderful & relaxing Thanksgiving day!
"May your bounty be plenty,
...your friends many,
and may your cups never empty!"
Safe rides to all who travel and easy cooking to those who are hosting!
May we never forget how much we have, and never take for granted our family & friends.
I'm gonna go make this real quick to bring to Joe's & my family's Thanksgivings today. See ya!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Back from the dead
I'm finally in the land of the living. Mere hours after I got back from Iowa, I spend the rest of the night with a bad 'bout of the stomach flu. I had to skip 3 days of work, while still spending the rest of the week healing & getting rid of the pesky stomach ache.
However, I'm back and ready to get my life back in order. I've finished my November knitting club, "Sex in the City," and already have the project planned for the final installement of my "watching the movies" knitting club, "a Christmas Carol." The project really inspired my movie choice (which was recommended, anyways), and I reckon that any person-religiously diverse or no-would enjoy the pattern and yarn colorway just the same.
It's time to work on those Christmas WIPs now! Here's my list:
Grandpa: Bear's pillow
Uncles: Scarves
Mom: earthy colored clogs
MIL: clogs?
Joe: ribbed Hawkeye socks
I have this slouchy two-color hat idea brewing in my head, but I can't knit it up, because I really need to get cracking on these projects first! Whaa!
I checked my 2008 reading list and I have only 23 books finished. I read 27 books last year. I need to finish at least 4 books, or I let myself down (my goal is to equal or at least beat the previous year by one book). I'm on books 24 & 25 right now. I really didn't feel like I was slugging around though.
Sorry about the lack of pictures. I've gotta make sure my recipients don't look at my blog until after the holidays, first!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
The Legend of the Seeker

This television series is based (hopefully a little loosely) off of Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" series. There are many books, and much violence-which I didn't care for-so I was glad to see that the 2-hour premier of the first two episodes captured the main events while watering down the evil. The books are really good, if you like epic books with romance. I'm guessing that the first season will cover Goodkind's first book, "Wizard's First Rule," and if it's a hit, the next seasons will cover the following books? I still have to research it. Joe and I bought the premier off of itunes the other night because the videos aren't posted free yet, and I'm thinking of buying the next episode because it aired yesterday.
Interested in seeing the trailer?
So far, it seems that they are following pretty close to the book's main plot & casted pretty good characters for the roles. I would have liked to see Kahlan with longer hair & Richard as a taller & more "rustic" character. Oh well. The actors do grow on you though.
Friday, November 07, 2008
playing the "College Chick" for the weekend
Monday, November 03, 2008
Tuning up

Lately, I have been getting the musician's cravings to play some more music. To touch the keys. Show people what the words "dynamics" and "painting the picture" really means. I guess that after teaching piano for so many months, you inevitably desire to play again. Reminisce about the "old days." I do admit to my inadequate ability to sight-read music well for the level that I am at...but I savor my one true ability that is crucial to any great performance: proper dynamics. This is the different between being robotic and colorful. Take liberties when allowed. Use dynamics. Add in your own. That, I do owe a great debt to my teacher.
What really got me thinking though was listening to some of the last pieces that I played before I quit and took my long "vacation." Thiswas the last piece I studied with my teacher. I liked the beginning movement more than the middle...but here is a piece that I enjoyed the middle more. They are both by Chopin. He is a genius. Liszt is also brilliant, and I am trying to revitalize This piece too, since it's so melodic and peaceful. To an extent. Ha ha.
I practiced for over 4 hours yesterday. Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. I am trying to prepare 10 Christmas peices for a CD I'm making to hand-out to my loved ones for Christmas. Most are adaptions of our traditional favorites. The album will be called "Still, Still, Still." If you're a Manneheim Steamroller fan, You'll recognize the "Still, Still, Still," "The Holly & the Ivy," and "Emmanuel" from my Cd. Other pieces from Lorna Line and other artists have have really good adaptions of my favorite peices.

Friday, October 31, 2008
On Hallow's Eve

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Autumn Rush

News: I got a new camera (yay!) and a new haircut! Pictures coming soon!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Harvest Bowls

I initially put them all in the wash, but scowled when I saw that my garter stitch did not felt at all. That's a *slap forehead, garter stitch gets real loose in water.* Picture me, with thick gloves & a sink filled entirely of steaming-hot water, vigoriously agitating the wool by hand. For nearly 15 minutes. Yeah. I was sweating bullets. But it was worth it. Aren't they so cute & festive? The big bowl can be modified to be thicker though. It didn't turn out as solid as I thought it would be. Lesson for next time: for the biggest bowl, use 2 strands of wool & stockinette. Not garter. Then I can fill 'er up with a whole ton of apples. Rocket-science, huh?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Extra, Extra! Read all about it!
1. Joe's 2x2 rib Hawkeye socks (you know, gotta knit them up before he graduates. In December.)
2. Grandpa's "(Go Bears!) Sports Pillow." My grandpa is not doing well after his serious heart-surgery, and it's all because he can't walk. It's a slippery-slope. He can't walk, now he has bed-sores, now he has a bladder infection, and so on & so forth. He loves the Bears, and I'm going to knit him up a quick & easy (you know me, all about the quick & easy knits) pillow.
3. Mystery knit #1 put on hold for a sec. (Mystery knit #2 still not casted-on. Hopefully I'll get to it soon, because you'll all love the pattern. ;) It's going to be awesome!)
4. Bottom-up raglan definetely put on hold. Mr. Scarecrow wanted to hold the sock for a bit. I had to walk away after he started pestering me for some mitts.
I'm off to do some more walk/jogging. If anyone lives in the Chicagoland area (specifically in Lake County), we are meeting at a coffeeshop on Wednesday 10/22 at 7:15pm. Email-me if you wanna come be part of our group.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
The thick, wonderful aroma of Fall

An apple-pie that I made entirely from scratch, made with various apples picked from the "Apple Holler" in WI. Making crust is not worth it, and I'll definitely buy the pre-made crusts from the store...thank you very much.
Oh, and the pie sitting on the ledge is more like being devoured, not "cooling." It was surprisingly scrumptious for being made by a pie-newbie like me. Eh, maybe you just can't screw up apple-pie in general.

Stay tuned this week for more about these mystery knits!
In the meantime, have you seen my new free pattern out? I even put it up on Ravelry too.
'Night. *This lady now needs some serious sleep pronto, as knitting too much and working mornings (and some evenings) 6 days a week is starting to take a toll.*
Friday, October 10, 2008
"I went to a rubberband fight, and a wedding broke out!"

Joe brought up a good point at the end of our "Mall of America" experience. Isn't a broken-down escalator just a "staircase?" Obviously, the "Mall of America" is a summation of American culture. Lazy. As the "Mall of America" says: a broken-down escalator is too hazardous to our health...and we should just take the elevator instead to get to the nearest fast-food restaurant.