It's been a gloriously sunny day. I decided to whip out a FO that was completed maybe a year ago and has never found its way into this blog. It was a design for one of the clubs I did a long time ago. I named it "Sunrays Socks," due to the sunrayish lace pattern that I fiddled around with, and the snake-like cables planted along the back. I really think that they should be longer socks, to look better...but what's done is done. I recently took a picture of it because the Word document and the few original photos taken were deleted along with other various patterns and things that I had on my desktop during the "Great Disaster" back several months ago with my external hardrive failing on me...while I was trying to delete everything off of my desktop in preparation to reset the dang thing. I never did reset it...and I never did get back the lost things. Luckily, a lot of my pics weren't all deleted yet, and I had some copies of pictures on Photobucket & Flickr, as well as some documents saved through email.
It was a disaster, I tell ya.
Ending on a good note....I have a new blog! It's:, and it's purely devoted to all of my patterns, free & for sale. I used Wordpress serviced mainly because I could upload the pdfs to that sight. Go take a look-see if you have time. There's a button on my sidebar for easy access to it. It's still in the beginning stages, so don't expect too much, but I have most of the pictures up that will have their proper pattern linked to them with PDFs. That's right, I said it. All patterns will now have pdfs. So, hopefully you'll see changes everyday (or every other day) if my 1 pattern per day thing becomes a reality. I already have 3 or 4 patterns updated. However, this blog will always be running. I have to ramble about my WIP's and designs still. lol.
(However, I expect this weekend to be slow with improvements. I'm planning on visiting my guy this weekend in Iowa! Squee!!! I asked one of the AV workers at the library to take my Sunday, so after my morning Friday shift, it's off to Iowa it go. Hei-HO! Hei-Ho!)
P.S- read "Wesley the Owl" if you're a bookworm. It's a great book, and it made me laugh & cry!
P.P.S- If you've been around for a while on this blog, I think I'm officially starting my Lana Lang -inspired sweater I talked about (maybe years) ago. Ha ha.