1. Joe's 2x2 rib Hawkeye socks (you know, gotta knit them up before he graduates. In December.)
2. Grandpa's "(Go Bears!) Sports Pillow." My grandpa is not doing well after his serious heart-surgery, and it's all because he can't walk. It's a slippery-slope. He can't walk, now he has bed-sores, now he has a bladder infection, and so on & so forth. He loves the Bears, and I'm going to knit him up a quick & easy (you know me, all about the quick & easy knits) pillow.
3. Mystery knit #1 put on hold for a sec. (Mystery knit #2 still not casted-on. Hopefully I'll get to it soon, because you'll all love the pattern. ;) It's going to be awesome!)
4. Bottom-up raglan definetely put on hold. Mr. Scarecrow wanted to hold the sock for a bit. I had to walk away after he started pestering me for some mitts.
I'm off to do some more walk/jogging. If anyone lives in the Chicagoland area (specifically in Lake County), we are meeting at a coffeeshop on Wednesday 10/22 at 7:15pm. Email-me if you wanna come be part of our group.
Pattern: "The Dummy Clap" Shawl (KUAS Original)
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft (475 yds)
Needles: Size 10 US
Dimensions:26x65 inches
I was planning on doing a crochet boarder around the shawl, but it is last minute, and I say "nay" to any more frumpy work that won't matter in the end. It's already pretty neat to look at, and can easily be worn as a scarf later on. It reminds me of the clapoltis, but with less work. Ha. It has a pretty good stretch to it, and I should hope that it will keep me a little warmer during the ceremony or reception.
What's next? I am in the process of working on my October club kits and have some pre-felting knits on the needles right now. All new patterns, postings and etsy updates: next week.