This pattern is going up on etsy really soon, and I've been having trouble coming up with the perfect name for it. I was thinking of calling it "annabelle," because everyone should be able to name one pattern after themselves (I added the -belle because it seemed less corny), but now I'm not so sure. Then, I named it "Amélie"...you know, after the main character in the french movie. It seems ok.

So, now I leave it up to you guys to decide! Contest time!!!
WHEN: Sat, April 5th- Mon, April 7th (at 12pm 5pm!)
WHAT: Come up with the perfect name for this pattern. It should relate more to the texture, not the color. It can be a name, an idea, a place, etc.
If you really liked any of my original names for it, let me know.
Whatever your name for it is, please explain why you feel so strongly about it. :)
PRIZE: the answer that I feel most strongly suits the pattern wins, and receives a free pattern of it as soon as it's up on etsy! (So please leave your email address.)
The whole pattern is a play on texture. Yum-O!
The best part about the pattern, despite the fact that the yarn is soo fluffy (like heaven), is that the band is adjustable, and you can wear your favorite pin as a button! Neat, huh?
Well, I'm off to get some icecream and read! My library just notified me that "Atonement" is on hold for me know! Whoot whoot!
I personally Love Amélie. It was a spontaneous movie, and it's a great fit for the hat!
"Tulip," because it's springy, and the big V textured areas remind me of tulips pushing up to the sky. In addition, there are two textures, and you could spell it "Twolip" if you don't think that's too corny!
- Miss Violaceous on Craftster.
Playing off of your idea of Annabelle, I would suggest "Bella" because it means beautiful and is a short easy to remember name. Love the hat!
Candy Floss because that's what it looks like! I love it!
I like Iris! The stitches in the cap look slightly larger than the rest just like the flower petals, and the texture of the bottom reminds me of the lines you see in the inside of the pertals.
Love the hat!
I think Anais.
Claire don't ask why or Clarisse
I like Viola or Emmaline (with the 'line' part pronounced 'lean' rather than 'line' as in underline).
Crocodisle on craftster - PM me for my email :)
Anna's Pink Cloud. Love the hat (and the beautiful model)
IF you want to stick with the "A" names how about Alethea? It's my mom's name and I think its unique (like the hat) and a little sophisticated.
And I just started reading Atonement a week ago, its brilliant!
Anna's Swirling Spring
or just Swirling Spring (Not sure if your sticking with the A theme)
I feel like the texture is swirling all around the hat.
I looked at your latest project and thought that while being a rather sensible hat, there was still some drama to it. Marianne is the name that popped into my head, closely followed by the "ring around the rosie" chant, but I'll stick with Marianne. It's really lovely!
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