It is finally finished! My two circular needles can breathe a heavy sigh of relief to be off the needles *finally* after nearly two full years of hibernation! I checked out my Ravelry page to only find in disbelief how long ago its been since I have casted on for this project. About one month before I got married, September '09.

Above, pre-block. The lace really, really needed the blocking to open up the bird's eye lace, as well as the eyelets were I picked up stitches. I used my little packet of Eucalan wool wash in grapefruit to give it a much needed soak. Makes me sad to use it up because I only have a few that I bought when I was still in college in a small yarnshop in Iowa. I've been reminiscing about the college days and how I wish I were back for a month or two.

The shawl being pinned. The soaking and blocking was done right before bedtime. (The only time to get stuff done.) I even convinced my husband to help me pin the edging because a blurry, tired eye is not the best eye for opening up and straightening out lace!

It's a beautiful shawl. I've been saving my "Anne" Schaefer Yarn for quite some time now for a worthy project, and I'm quite pleased with the results! I bought it at what used to be a yarnshop in Lake Forest, IL. It was relatively close to me, but it eventually went out of business...just like the yarnshop that was under 10 minutes away from me in Prairie Crossings. Sad.

I really was soo close to finishing the shawl way back before hibernation, but for some reason, I didn't have the heart to reach the end. I could place bets on the reason being a bad case of "startitis." I have three shawls that were on the needles at around the same time. Two are still in the closet.

I plan on wearing this shawl to a wedding shower and reception on Saturday that I have to "double dip" on. I was going to wear it with my Vera Wang dress that I USED to fit in, pre-pregnancy...but I found out in horror that it doesn't fit right around my ribcage anymore post-twins. *sob*. I had to buy another dress, a black one that is cute and has jewels on the straps and under the keyhole on the chest.

Victoria, ever the model.
PROJECT: Aestlight Shawl by Gudrun Johnston
YARN: "Anne" Schaefer Yarn, 1 skein of colorway 906
PROJECT STARTED: September 7th, 2009
PROJECT FINISHED: July 20th, 2011

Feels really good to finish something of this size. The last BO stitch almost called for celebration because it took so many nights to finish the stinkin edging because I had to stop every two rows or so! Now on to finishing up the knitted toys and maybe keep tinkering away at the afghan? I know I've said this before, but I feel good. I feel almost back. almost.