2010 is all about changes. It's the birth of another year, and I, like many are trying to set a new pace for my own good. This is going to be somewhat of an embarrassing post, but it's for the good of all knit-kind, and for the good of my own sanity. This post is about "dehibernating" those many, many projects. In the process, I got rid of the hold, oo-ed and ahh-ed at the forgotten, and reminisced at the old days (college).
Ok, I'm going to tell you my dirty little secret. After frogging TEN projects, I still have TWENTY-FIVE TWENTY-EIGHT projects in the works!! Please excuse the boring background.

Projects, with the year it was started:
1. a Bears pillow ('09--this was supposed to be for my grandfather while he was stuck in the hospital)
2. a market bag ('09)
3. a pair of ribbed socks ('09)
4. a single Hawkeye ribbed socks ('09)
5. a "Carnival" sock ('09)
6. my long forgotten "Rippled Reading Afghan" ('o7!)
7. another "Rippled Reading Afghan" with only 2 colors ('07)
8. a raglan (my "Lana Lang" raglan that I though about soph. year of college) ('08)
9. a baby cardi ("Sweet as Candy") ('07!)
10. a baby cardi ('09)
11. a purled tunic ('8)
12. a lavender LT sweater ('08)
13. a cropped sweater ('09)
14. my "Kahlan" raglan tee ('07!)
15. a hat for Joe ('08)
16. a hat for me ('09)
17. my "Frozen River" hat ('09--but currently being worked on)
18. another "Unique Basketweave" Washcloth ('09)
19. a multi-colored scarf ('07)
20. a ribbed scarf with circle-icord edging ('05!!!?)
21. a shawl ('09--most recently started shawl)
22. a shawl ('08--yarn from Stitches Midwest)
23. a "cabin Shawl" ('06 or '07 maybe--my first shawl)
24. a lacy heart shawl ('08--this makes me really sad now, because of my grandfather who passed away...I started this in the hospital waiting room when his troubles first started. I also knit some of this when Joe and I went to the Dells)
25. the "Aestlight Shawl" ('09--memories of my honeymoon)
Not shown:
26. Mohair shawl
27. Joe's Cubs blanket
28. Pink LT rib socks
Obviously, you see my dilemma. Startitis has bitten me over the years, and it's no wonder why there aren't more projects posted when I was indeed putting hours into these dozens of projects.
So, in hopes to continue working on these projects, I have started a KAL for everyone wanting to dig our projects out of our closets, baskets, beds, couches, or wherever they are stashed and forgotten about...to get them finished up!
This KAL isn't just for knitters, so tell your knitter, crocheter, sewer, or any crafter friend who has neglected their projects just like me!! Spred the word and use this KAL button for your blog (can be found on my sidebar) to link yourself to the KAL. HINT: on blogger, go to "customize," then click on "add a gadget," click on "picture," save and upload the button from my sidebar and add ( http://www.missiondehibernation2010.blogspot.com/) to the "link" box, and push "Save."
Write your email address in the comment box below to join, or email me at knittingupastormATgmailDOTcom so I can add you as one of the publishers on the KAL blog.

I hope you had a fun and safe New Years Eve & day. Mine was definitely loud and eventful.