Friday, March 04, 2011

who's got the time?

It's been a while. The boys are now 4 months old, and showing signs of teething already! They are quite fussy (all day long), so who's got time to knit?


Little Sammie in his Kimono Jacket, like his brother from the last post.



Sorry to bore. Maybe one day I will have time to knit again.


Holly said...

My little man has the same "Team Grandpa" outfit, I love it. Sylvester has almost grown out of it, though. Your boys are handsome as can be.

Marissa said...

So precious! Love the 'future Mr. Right' shirt! Knitting will come back in time...right now you're priorities have shifted (as they should, with twin babies), but you'll come back to it.

Jane said...

Love the pictures of your sons (and the slogans on their shirts!) They look healthy and beautiful!

knittingdragonflies said...

Oh my, these two are super cute!

On A Hot Tin Roof said...

they are super cute and i would rather look at them over knitting any day! my son is 3 1/2 months old (he's #6) and babies never get old. enjoy your days with little ones. you will have plenty of time to knit later...because they do grow up. my oldest is 16!

Bobbi said...

They are so beautiful! I was thinking about you and the boys just the other day - hoping all is well. The Team Grandpa jammies rock.
Hugs to you all!

Anonymous said...

Awww sooo cute!

Barbra Szabrowicz said...

They are so sweet :D

Julie said...

thanks for sharing, beautiful boys

oona said...

no way you did that jacket all yourself? so awesome! i want one of those for myself too ha ha (: