Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Punk Rock Tunic

I enjoy the brainless knitting in the round that 'mostly stockinette' raglans have to offer. There's just enough simple variation to keep your mind sane, while at the same time, you never really have to look down at a pattern the whole way through. At the same token, I also love the option to work top-down, which means from a lazy arse's point-of-view: less work.
Alright, alright. You got me. You get to try it on as you go. It fits better.


I was going to call this WIP "Inner Sanctuary," because of the ripple-like pattern that I created. However, I decided to swap the name for something else. (I really am bad at naming my own works.) This design will henceforth be called "Punk Rock Tunic" because it seems more hardcore than peaceful.


I have successfully enjoyed yet another gorgeous day basking in the sun (and slightly brisk wind) I not only knit a little outside on our deck, but I snuggled up with a comfy down blanket and my most recent read, "Bitten." Has anyone read it? I'm about half way through. I heard that it was written better than the Twilight series, so I had to try it out.


At the moment, I am finishing up the base of the tunic, and I'll probably end up single-crocheting the top of the tunic and figure out something for the sleeves. It will most likely just be seed-stitch, just like the base of the tunic.

My dear Valentine comes home Friday evening! I'm so excited! Before we go off and have an amazing 1 1/2 day weekend together, I'll make sure to crack out the camera so he can take some snaps of the FO. :) Chao!


  1. I love it! And not just 'cause its purple :) It looks awesome!

  2. I adore Kelley Armstrong's books. I have almost all of them (I did fall a bit behind recently, bad me).
    I like this WIP :)

  3. Wow, that looks so edgy and cool!

  4. Just wanted to say that I just love the color....awesome...hope you have a great Valentine's Day...julianne.

  5. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Bitten is brilliant!
    And I love your tunic...
    But Kelley Armstrong just writes brilliantly!


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