Monday, February 16, 2009

FO this! (Updated)


Before Valentine's day, I got my "Punk Rock Tunic" done just in time for Joe's arrival on Friday. I'm pretty please with the results.


I used a ball of yarn closely related to Lion Brand's Jiffy. They might be cousins. Or Step-siblings. Or married. Who knows. All I know is that I knocked almost a couple pound ball down to almost nothing.


I decided against my seed stitch sleeves. While trying it on, I realized that it really looked better with the roll-top edge to leave it short & naked. Oh-la la.


A belt does look good with this FO. I don't know about you, but I see the perfect belts for all sorts of things in magazines, but when it comes around to finding them...good luck. I think my brown leather belt looked the best. But then again, I only own like 3 or 4 belts. I almost made an I-cord belt that was braided using this yarn.



Here's my hunny with his "Emmett hat." I had to squeeze in a minute before he left to take a picture of him with it on. I still have to send the pattern to my testers. Sorry for the wait girls.


I gave my valentine my heart.


Oh, by the way, I spent like 3 hours several days ago really uploading dozens and dozens of projects the you have or have not seen me make in my past. I also added more pictures to the projects that were already in my ravelry project page. Believe you me, it was a pain in the neck to add over 60 projects in one sitting. The oldest projects have minimal info. If you haven't friended me yet, my Ravelry name is: knittyknitter. Just like


What's next? My "SlipStitch Socks" using my friend Erica's "Mardi Gras" sockyarn that I traded with her last year. I missed the deadline for making them in time for last Mardi Gras, but I'm determined to make them this year. Just like a pair of St. Patrick's Day socks.


Btw, if anyone ever wants you to watch "House of Wax." Don't. Unless you like watching acid sprayed on living humans and fingers being cut off and stuff while superglue is on your lips. I'll never look at wax the same again. I'm never letting my friend Jenna pick our movie out again.
Oh... and If you have any awesome V-day stories to share, feel free to post them below. All Joe and I really did was go to IHOP in the morning, watch a movie & eat a late dinner at a steakhouse.

Sock Update:
First sock down. I think this pair will definitely be done in time for Mardi Gras! The pattern will be called "Carnival," inspired by the medieval folk culture of the Carnival. Explaination & sock update tomorrow in a new post!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the tunic!
    P.s. I'm still against the 20lb weight loss. You look so cute!

  3. I love this tunic. I wish I had your talent for design.

  4. That tunic is so cute!!
    I really like how the stitch pattern breaks up the wierd zig-zaggyness of variegated yarns. Fabulous!


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