Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Love affair

It pleases me greatly that I have finally gotten the hang of spinning by the second go. I approached the roving differently this time: take less. "Less is more." Isn't that what we are told all the time anyways? What I got was a thinner, and very consistantly-even strand, because I would pull the fibers easier...and there was less to pull.
The strands give off this faux-double-ply look, because when I pull the fiber, the color seperates and gets twisted with the white that didn't get dyed in the middle of the fiber.
So, ok. This is how I'm spending my time while I wait patiently for sockyarn in a club I have to design for. I have the general jist of the pattern already in my mind...but I'll have to see the colors and method used to dyeing them up. I might just have to change the design on a whim.
It's best to do a lot of your drafting first, before you spin. That way, you can enjoy the pleasant ease and soft noise of spinning. It's almost like taking time out to "smell the roses," but not.

Club stuff: Everyone should have received their "Gatsby" packages by now (maybe not if you're in Switzerland!). I'm so relieve that you all loved everything! If you want to "lurk," look HERE. Also, I've gotten some requests to "extend" their membership. If you would like that, email me. I can set up a special item for you. I will be putting up the next month's book-sock club in about a week. It will be "Dracula," and there are only 8 spots left already.


  1. Oh! Dracula sounds great! Your spinning is beautiful. And, yes, I'm going to the festival up by Chicago. Maybe I'll see you!

  2. I agree with bobbi, I love that book.... Dracula sounds so tempting.... if I can work it into mu cudget I will be contacting you for sure!

  3. Thats a superwash merino wool so you should have fun knitting that up into something useful. Glad you like spinning. It is a very good stress reliever.


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