Friday, May 30, 2008

Pretty in pink

It's been busy-busy-busy on the fronteer here. I'm already back at work. I guess there goes relaxation.
But, I finally finished spinning my single-ply yarn that I plan on using to knit up a chunky garter stitch hat later on. I think it went pretty well. I had to soak it in hot water first, and then hang it to dry with some weights so that I don't have the "curlies" while knitting it up later on. Next time, I'll do the real deal, and double-ply it. This was just to get the hand of things.
Purdy, huh?
Ok gang, I hate to be brief, but I have to run now. I don't even have the time to calculate the yardage on it. I'll do that later.

I'm planning on meeting up with the gals right now at Chilies. It's been quite a long time since we've really hung out as a group. I promise to not be so boring soon. I plan on creating a sock pattern, as well as a neat tank-top.
Until then. Enjoy the eye-candy for a bit. Sorry.
Thanks again for the congrats! Ya guys are the "bomb." btw- what is the new word for that now? lol.


  1. Your yarn is beautiful!

  2. Great yarn!
    I love the color, it reminds me of bubblegum!

  3. Congrats belatedly from the last post! Wow you got the goodies... awesome! Love the pink chunky singles.. can't wait to see the kitting!


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