Monday, December 31, 2007

A blank slate

Every New Years is a time of excitement. Refreshment even. It is the one time where you take a good look at what you have achieved and (unfortunately) failed to do, and strive to do better with the coming of the new year. Your dusty slate is wiped clean over night, and a whole 365 days of working for (and ignoring) all of your new (or same) goals commences.

I have a whole sundry of goals that I have failed to do this year, mostly because I wasn't smart enough to write them down on something other than scratch paper and I forgot them all, except my foremost goal of the infamous "loose the flab" plea (which I didn't do). Between now and next year ('09) when I get hitched, I've got some time to diet, exercise, forget, curse at myself, get back on the horse, forget, and than finally get into the groove. Piece of cake, right?

I have just 3 major knitting goals I'd like to scratch onto my 2008 resolution list. I would like to start knitting more continental-style because, quite frankly, I'm sick of feeling like I'm a slow-poke-knitter. I'd also like to strap on a pair and officially do some intarsia or double-stranded work. If I'm feeling pretty bored, I'd also like to start knitting socks toe-up...just because it seems more practical. Who doesn't want to try on the sock while it's a WIP?
I promised a bountiful January on this blog, and I am sticking to that. I've got 24 skeins of fingering weight yarn (10 bamboo blend & 14 silk blend) and 4 skeins of lace weight yarn to dye up for my shop, and I have a couple of WIP's, one being two "secret" objects, and a sock.

But enough of all of this New Years chitter-chatter! Let's rewind a bit. I hope you all had a great holidays! I hope you enjoyed your family and relaxation. To me, it's always a little ironic that they consider the holiday season a "vacation"...because I felt stressed out and fatigued until only a few days ago. You've got the whole house to clean, food to cook, presents to buy and wrap, people to entertain and visit. Unfortunately Christmas wouldn't be the same if you eliminated any of those stressful factors out though. Oh well. Did anyone get anything exciting? My dad is handy at the workshop, and made me a set of 2.5 sockblockers (funny, really)! I've been waiting in anticipation for these puppies for months now! Now, my most satisfying present is from some gift returns and clever timing! I bought a knitting machine! I've never felt better at cheating!

The original price was a whopping $160... but I only payed $18! Here's the secret: 50% coupon, plus $30 returns and a $25 gift card. I couldn't have played that out better. It really does work well when you use it right...but it's the most temperamental machine I've ever laid my hands on, which frustrating because my dying computer works better than the knitting machine. Here's the thing. It likes to jam up and drop stitches. It's all about weight distribution and keeping the needles *perfectly* aligned at all times. But, on the bright side, *when* it saves hours. I've already finished half of a sweater messing around with it.

This is what's on the needles right now--a belated Christmas gift for Joe's mother. Like I said, I'm a little slow (and procrastinate when I feel I have time). Well, time's up. This needs to be ready, pronto! Remember this skein? The colorway looks pretty neat. I'm sure she'll love it. I'm trying them two at a time, because I can guarantee that I'll get "second sock syndrome." The ugly matchy woody table and chair set is from the *new* Starbucks. What happened to their modernism? It's not like they have a fireplace like Caribou's.

Mais, j'aimerais du plus tea "passion fruit" a la Starbucks.



  1. You have to try Continental. I love it!

  2. 24 4 oz skeins? I'll have to do the math kk?

  3. where did you get the other yarn?

  4. love the socks
    Love love love the sock blockers
    SOOOOO want a knitting machine!

    I'd love the Passion Fruitness but I'm highly allergic (you can only find this out the hard way) but it is indeed very yummy.


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