Thursday, December 31, 2020

FO: Silvestre Mitts

Happy New Year! I hope you find 2021 is filled with laughter, joy, good health and nourishment for the soul after the rough year we had.

Here's another project fresh off the needles, just in the knick of time! These are called the "Silvestre Mitts" by Skeindeer Knits. See my project notes here. I purchased the pattern and recommended yarn at the London Loop yarn shop while on our 10 year wedding anniversary trip in October 2019.

 I love including the WIP photos in the FO post so that you can see the entire (1 year) journey:

I purchased these beautiful mitten blockers a year ago from the Etsy seller Mlyn Jedrow who creates them in Poland.

And there she is, all in her Norwegian glory. I think I upped my Norwegian heritage up a bit by knitting these. ;) It just snowed the other day, so these should keep my hands toasy warm!

Have a safe and healthy New Year. May it be everything you hope it will be. <3

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