Thursday, November 08, 2018

WIP: Beacon Hill Scarf--Shortie Version

A long, long while back, I casted on for a aqua/teal version of my Beacon Hill Scarf with some leftover yarn from my stash. The yarn I used for the original scarf was so silky and squishy, that the texture didn't "pop" as well as I would have liked it to.
This version will actually be a "shortie" version that doesn't wrap around the neck twice.

I love the "little tents" that pop out among the garter stitch. It's a very unique stitch texture that looks great vertically or horizontally.

Needles: US 9 (5.5mm)
Yarn: I'm not even sure. I have lost the band years ago.

Guys, can I just point out that my nails were painted for this picture? I NEVER paint my nails. Between the stubby nails as a stay-at-home mom AND being a pianist, there are always in the nude. Aw, this makes me want to paint them again. Too bad they chip almost immediately, no matter how great the brand or no-chip gaurentee is.
I'm further allong with this scarf, but I haven't taken any new photos. I figure that I'll just post the FO later. I can devote more time to this once I get some Christmas knits out of the way.


  1. I so love your scarf. The colors you used are awesome. Your patterns are always so lovely. :)

  2. Thanks Stitchy! <3


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