Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Black Friday 2018 Deal and GRATITUDE

KUAS Designs is offering 50% off ALL knitting patterns WEDNESDAY 11/21 through SUNDAY 11/25 at midnight CT! Plug in the coupon code "halfoffkuas18" at the checkout at my KUAS Designs store

Your coupon will bring your price from:
$3.99 patterns to $1.99
$1.99 patterns to $.99

KUAS Designs is also featured here on KNIT like Granny, along with other Black Friday/Cyber Monday knitting deals on patterns, yarn and classes.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow! I am trying to focus my mind-set on gratitude as we approach Thursday...

I am GRATEFUL for my family, having all my basic human needs met on a daily basis, my crafting hobbies that I use as therapy, my various musical skills, having a part-time teaching career that allows me to be a full-time mom, plus YOU. I am grateful that you are here, reading and keeping up with my knitting adventures, the support I get from knitters who purchase my patterns, and for those who take the time to drop a comment in the box below. It always brightens my day. It helps me feel that I am not alone in this vast internet space. Thank you, dear reader.

Happy Holidays.

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