Wednesday, October 31, 2018

All Things Halloween

Happy Halloween, dear friends!
I've got to head out trick-or-treating with the kiddos, so here's a quick collection of all things Halloween that describe my week leading up to today:
 A Halloween project bag, sewn by yours truly.
I was really pleased with the results from the comination of the contrast fabric (liner) and the main outer fabric.

As a side note, I teach piano lessons, and every year I try to make reviewing Music Theory fun and exciting by changing the up the scenery. The holiday is the best time to squeeze in extra reviewing because I can make it fun like this.
Welcome to the haunted music trail! It's not the best lighting, and looks better when it's a bit darker, but here's the jist of the trail leading up the haunted graveyard.
After every short excercise they get to trick-or-treat in my pumpkin buckets.

Hey, my twins just turned 8! Can you believe it?
 I have never made fondant for a cake, so of course I tried my hand at making them Minecraft cakes. Yeah, two cakes. And I've never make two cakes, let alone two fondant cakes. LOL.
It took a total of 10 hours (1.5 days), and the fondant got a little distored while picking the little squares up after cutting them. Oh well. The boys loved them and that's all that matters.

Finally, these were photos taken today of my burning bushes and Sunset maples. Ah...
 Have a wonderful and safe Halloween folks! We are about to go trick-or-treating now!

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