Tuesday, October 03, 2017

FO: Flax Light Sweater

It's been a while since I've posted here.

Too long.

I've been posting so heavily on Instagram and Facebook that I have forgotten to post here!

That's going to change. I have a few FO's to share, as well as three--yes, three new designs that will be published VERY soon!

First, I will start off with one of my first FOs, The Flax Light Sweater.

Needles: size US 3 and 6
Started: September 1st, 2016    Completed September 19th, 2017

But first, let's start back at the beginning (a year ago!) so you can see it develop:
I used a tubular cast on method in hopes that the neckline would be stretchy and professional looking.
Yeah, not so stretchy on my end. Something to work on...
I've been bringing this bad boy everywhere.
On walks to the garden/forest preserves,
knitting at the pool,
and of course, lots of home knitting sessions while watching Netflix.

I love it.
I finished right before my Boston trip, and wore it on a chilly misty day in New England!
This is not my most flattering of FO pictures, but this was after walking all day long in the rain, cold, while being utterly exhausted. We are right in front of the Revere statue in the North End.

I get so many compliments on this sweater already. It's such a wonderful pattern, and looks amazing in this colorway. LOVE.

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