Saturday, January 07, 2017

FO: Antler Hat (Toque) #2

Last Thursday, I gifted my husband his very own Antler Hat (also refered as Anter Toque). I made his brother a silver one for Christmas, and he seemed to be eyeing it, so I decided to make the same pattern for him as well. I chose this color because he owns a pair of gloves that match pretty closely. This color really goes with everything.
Yarn: Cascade 220 in Charcoal Grey
Needles: Size US 6 and US 8 circular needles
Method: magic loop
Cast-on date: 1/1/17         Completed: 1/5/17
Modifications: 2.25'' ribbing and only 6 antlers before doing the decreases

While at the craft store, I decided to pick up a new set of cable needles. I own metal ones in various shapes, but I find that they are too slippery and long. Clover makes a set of plastic cable needles that are a bit shorter and with a square nook to hold the stitches. I found that they were a bit easier to work cables with, even though they were flimsier.
I tried all four needles, and found with this project, the medium white cable needle was the easiest to work with, and stitches didn't slip off. I just wish that the ends were a bit sharper.

My husband is very pleased with his gift. Now that it's done, I'm off knitting something from my pattern queue: the Zoe Hat. We are doing a KAL in my facebook group during this month. Join us!

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