Wednesday, December 09, 2015

2-at-a-time fair isle gift hats

Pattern: my own 
The pattern needs to be tweaked. It was supposed to be lightly slouchy, but this fabric didn't behave the way I anticipated. I need to alter the type of decreases and add a few extra stitches for the body.
Needles: size US 7
Yarn: 1/2 skein each of Yarn Bee's Fair Isle Yarn, worsted weight
Method: 2-at-a-time, magic loop 

It took my a couple of weeks, knitting this on the road, knitting this a little to TV and also bringing this to my kids karate class twice every session...but they are finally done! Two gift presents to my friends, done!
This one's for my artist friend, Gina Lee Kim. Her son and my kids used to go to preschool together last year. She is consistently featured in the Cloth, Paper and scissor magazine.
This one is for my neighbor, Kerry. Her boy twins are 8 months older than my twins and they are best buds.
I haven't weighed the yarn yet, but it looks like i have enough for one more pair of hats or mittens if I use both of these skeins. They both have blue and grey in it, so it would work well.

You have to love self-Fair-Isle-ing yarn. Fun stuff. 

On to more gift knitting! What are you up to?

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