Monday, November 30, 2015

Belated fancy shmancy NYC trip post

Here's the first of a few belated posts. You know how things get...I'll catch you up eventually.

My husband and a few other members of his work team won an innovation award for a new medical device (sorry, can't really legally say until it's actually released) at his company in October, and so we were flown out and completely spoiled--a two night stay at the Carlton-Ritz (at Central Park), a mystery dinner party the first night and also the fancy award dinner the last night.

It was a short, but amazing trip, and we tried to squeeze in as much as possible. I actually visited two famous knitting shops! Needless to say, there was a lot of subway and walking trips that weekend. Lots and lots of walking.
 As we are from the Chicagoland area, we could not help but joke around about screaming "KEVIN!!" from this room. Hint: Home Alone 2 (they were from Chicago, Kevin flew by himself to NYC by accident and stayed at the ritz around Christmas time).
 Our first lunch there was from this cafe called WichCraft. I got a goat cheese and beet sandwich on an artisan bread. It was ok, but there was nowhere to really sit down and eat.
 I made sure that I visited Knitty City the first day. Just in case things got too busy. I did A LOT of damage there. My husband was really supportive though, and barely blinked when he saw how many skeins I grabbed. Yeah, I'm pretty much broke still after this...but it was really my ONLY purchases during the trip.
Knitty City Stash enhancements:  
Two Madelinetosh DK Dachshund (purple, browns, grey)
1 worsted Madelinetosh Vintage Kilim (pinks and purples)
 1 worsted Madelinetosh Vintage Assorted (gold)
 Joseph Galler Prime Alpaca fingering weight yarn (1665 yds) in Heather Prime Alpaca 209 (a pinkish rusty orange)
 2 worsted Malabrigo Rios in 866 Arco Iris (pinks, orange, blues, greens)
 1 Malabrigo sock yarn in 416 Indiecita (blues, greens, yellow)
 and 1 SweetGeorgia Sock yarn (blues, purple, peach)

 We took the free ferry to see the Statue of Liberty from a far.
 We walked to Chelsea Market. What a neat place. Definitely eat lunch there. It was all decked out for Halloween when we went.
 After already walking countless blocks, we walked through Grenwich Village and all the way to Soho (mind you, about 16 blocks after already walking a lot) to make it to Purl Soho. I was determined.
 My body was a little jello-y after all the walking, but I enjoyed walking around, nonetheless.

Stash enhancements at Purl Soho:
2 Loft yarns in Foothills
2 Shelter yarns in Foothills
3 Loft yarns in Blanket Fort
1 Turbo Addis (40-something inches) in US 1.
 This was in our hotel room after getting back the first night. Everything was edible!! (well, not the plate.)
 We saw many things. These graves were so interesting, so old! They were almost paper-thin.
 9/11 memorial pools. We learned that there are going to be 7 world-trade centers, two of which are memorials and one yet to be built.

 Walking on the way to Grenwich. I think this Italian restaurant was mentioned on Foodnetwork on The Next Food Nework Star from New York.

We had such a great time. I really didn't think we would be able to go to NYC for many years. So glad he's such a hard worker and is changing lives for the better. *Proud Wife*

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