Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Podcast Episode 8: the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Absolutely Bad Podcast

I have been clicking away at the Fall Cardigan (that's not the real name) lately. I am at the hip increases. I figure that if I am going to design a cardigan, it might as well have some shape and pockets. Nice, deep pockets.

There's a podcast at the end.
It's awful, but whatever...keeping it real.
 I just casted on the Reyna Shawl using my handspun yarn.

I recently hosted a "Blind Wine Tasting" party with a few girlfriends. It was a smash hit! Or were we smashed? I forget.

No, I actually only poured 1 oz. samples of each wine so my friends could drive home safely! Plus, we gorged on a potluck style buffet of appetizers!
Red and white wines were separated and the bags were numbered.
There were 10 wines altogether! I told everyone to bring 1 white or red wine, and if they could, a really, really, really cheap wine...because sometimes they win the taste test!
 I had score cards and a little guideline for scoring...taste, appearance, body, etc.
My cheese and fruit platter (there was so much food by the end!). I had a mustard seed Gouda, regular Gouda (I love Gouda, what can I say?) a mango chipotle cheddar and a Parmesan goat cheese blend.
The wines, revealed. Guess which wine won? That's right...a cheap white wine (Vivello Peach Moscato from Trader Joe's).

KUAS Podcast: Episode 8


1. Fall Cardigan (name to be determined)
2. Reyna Shawl (using handspun yarn) by Noora Laivola
3. Abrianna Cardigan
Tea: Yogi's Cinnamon Vanilla tea

Needles: knitpicks and Denise interchangeable needles.

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