Sunday, July 06, 2014

Jewelry: Purple Prayer Pendant Necklace

I have a friend who is going through a rough time, emotionally and physically. To cheer her up, and to help her know that she is in my thoughts and prayers, I experimented with jewelry making as a symbolic gesture of these following things being with her:

Purple: for peace and healing
Orange: for energy and optimism

And a little angle watching her back:
It's a fairly simple necklace. I mainly did a spiral coil design to hold the pendant and little jump rings with glass beads, besides the cute little angel charm hanging out by the toggle clasp. 
I'm still getting the ropes of things, but I have a few more Jewelry pieces to show you in the following posts that get even cuter. Making jewelry is a fun little outlet for quick projects to show off, especially during the hot summer months, with cute tanks and dresses. I'm sort of developed a dress fetish lately. :)

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