Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2014 Here We Come!

Another year comes and goes. Does anyone else feel like singing "Sunrise, Sunset?"
This year hasn't been incredibly great for knitting, but I have accomplished major things while not blogging. Here's a glimpse of my 2013 year:

1. My #1 free pattern "$5 in Paris" has been translated not only into Spanish, but French as well, and has been pdf'ed in Spanish, French & English by popular request.
2. I spent the year composing piano sheet music and have published 24 pieces!! It's a significant mark for me, especially so because I started composing January 2013.
3. I spent the three summer months composing, recording and producing my very first CD, "A Nativity Suite."
4. Two pairs of "Elfish Slippers" for my boys to enjoy this (past) Christmas.
5. I knit the "Katniss Cowl" which I just learned the other day was taken off Ravelry by the designer because it was either too close to the original or because it infringed on the original designer's right to sell the pattern. Who knows.
6. I bought my first weaving loom!
7. My first woven scarf: for twin #1
8. My second woven scarf: for twin #2.
9. I finished my "Quickie Fuzzy Hat" pattern that you can literally make within a day, and put it on Ravelry.
10. Usually we don't keep our weight-loss resolution, but starting last June, I worked my tail off trying to loose the rest of the "babies-weight" this year and I'm happy to announce that I did! I lost 12 pounds. Whoo hoo. I've been eating better, doing elliptical work and Jazzercise (and thoroughly exhausted each day.) It's been a slow, slow, weight-loss ride, but another pound is another pound.

Have a happy, healthy and joyful New 2014! May this year be even better than the last!
I've got some great things planned for this 2014 blog.

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