Thursday, December 26, 2013

FO: Woven Scarf 2

I finished my other 3 year old's woven scarf on Christmas Eve, in time for bracing the cold weather while we visited both of their grandparents.

These scarves are addicting. A toddler scarf will only take a day. For an adult size, it would only take a weekend. I see many, many scarf gifts in my family's future.
Read here to learn more about the blue woven scarf.
1/2 or less skeins of Mackintosh Yarns' Skye Sock Yarn in "Spring Greens"
Trivial amounts of Mackintosh Yarns' Skye Sock Yarn in "Gun Powder" (blue)
Trivial amounts of Bernat Satin Solids in "white."

WARPS: 28 warps
5 white-1 blue-5 white-1 blue- 4 white-1 blue- 5 white- 1 blue- 5 white

LENGTH: 44'' long
I think that the striping effect with the warps of blue and white yarn made it look stunning. The blue got toned down and looked almost green in the process. I really like the stripes with the white and variegated greens when you look closely.

Jake was wearing the green one, so I was getting mighty nervous when he was wearing it for 3 days...tugging and pulling on it before the official photo-shoot! The weaving is on the loose side, so it did get a little pulled out of order during the time which the child in question was wearing it.
While weaving this scarf, I paid close attention to how I wrapped the ends so that they did not get all puckered weirdly while weaving. It is a great improvement from my first woven scarf.

I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Christmas. And to the ones who don't celebrated it, I hope you had a relaxing holiday.

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