Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I won an award!

I was just notified through that I am one of their top 100 free patterns that they offer! That just made my day! The most popular patterns that I've given them are: "$5 in Paris," (the top-down raglan) the  "Dummy Clap Shawl," "Lightning-Fast Slippers" and the "Double Looped Scarf."

I spotted the "Dummy Clap" there while going through the top patterns list!

I'm very honored to receive this award and to display it proudly on my blog! All of this has made me curious to see the statistics of who's coming into my blog from THAT specific website since blogger started offering this ability to track audiences (I'm not sure if this is since 2011(?), or if it really is since 2008):

 It's a little creepy in a way to see what devices are being used, but it's fascinating nonetheless...


Thanks for leaving a message! :)