Saturday, October 20, 2012

a String of Notes

This is totally not knitting related, but it still has to do with art. Well, performing art.
I've been really getting into practicing more piano lately to improve my own skills. I've just discovered New Age Artist David Lanz (his most famous work is "Cristofori's Dream" on Pure Moods III), and his "Dark Horse" piano solo is addicting!
But anyway, I am a piano teacher three days a week, and I've been researching creative ways to teach because things have been getting stale, and students just aren't inspired to practice (which creates a problem). I was floored by how many blogs are dedicated to sharing with piano teachers lesson and game ideas, as well as an array of worksheets that you can print off. I can't even believe how much information is out there. I've been reading up about quarterly group piano parties that do games, learn a little music history, fill out composer worksheets, etc. It's making the wheels in my head turn at the possibilities of how to engage and inspire the students more in music besides the normal cookie-cutter-lesson.

It all started when I was came across Joy's Color In My Piano blog and saw the DIY Silent Keyboards made of wooden slats and black foam. Ingenious. I didn't even think to use my crafty skills on musical learning tools! These are great for note reading, intervals, 5-finger scales, etc.

That was when I decided to create my own blog to link all of those amazing sites to share with other teachers. Hey, maybe one day I will fill up a sidebar of links of knifty nifty ideas. If you're curious, it's called "A String of Notes."

Don't worry, this blog isn't going anywhere. I was amazed and blessed at all of the support of fellow readers and designers from my previous post. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to me, understanding where I am coming from, and letting me know that you support me. Just like the piano blogs, we are a community of knitters who exchange ideas, patterns and knowledge. We love doing it, and can't help doing it, but especially love to be appreciated from time to time with comments and thanks. It lets us know that others are out there reading us, using our patterns, (hopefully) liking them, and have been helped, touched or inspired in some way.

I want to liven the mood up again after a sour taste from the last post, so here are some cute photos of the boys from today before I had to head off to my student's Fall Recital. The boys turn two in a week.

Jake. I just love the "septia" option for photos during bad lighting times.

This is why he's a monkey for Halloween. This should come as no surprise to those who know him.
Sam. He likes to roar, so he's a dragon this year. You should have seen the look on his face when he saw he had claws instead of fingers. Confused!

P.S, the Halloween BSJ is almost done.  That's the good news. The bad news is that after searching for months there are no Halloween themed colorways that I could find in my area (just Christmas), so there will only be one BSJ this year. *sigh* 
 I know, I know, I could have stripe black & orange.

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