Tuesday, July 17, 2012


This afternoon, I've taken every spare second that I could get my hands on while my parents and husband were playing with the boys to write three full pages to the "Hooded Honeycomb Jacket." Although I only have size 12 month down to the part where I haven't finished completing (the actual sleeves), the bones are there and I am joyous at the fact that my notes, that were spread about the house like the seven wonders of the world, were each located and reassembled so I could write this pattern up. I'm going in overly ambitious with the intention to write 5 sizes: 3mo., 6mo., 12mo., 24mo.(2T), and 3T.

I am going by the standard waist/hip fitting measurements for babies & toddlers, which tell me that my  20 month old boys, who are preemie, are really around a size 12 month body. The thought that my kids are that behind in bulk is kind of scary. They are healthy though. Skinny, but healthy.

It's going to be a slow, but exciting process for this whole ebook thing. I'm still in brain-storming & designing mode for other tid-bits for babies & toddlers that are quickie knits, like: mittens, socks, hats, etc. I'll let you know when I figure out what exactly will be in this book.

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