Monday, May 21, 2012

How in the heck does the Yarn Harlot finish her projects soo tootin' fast? Dang. I think I need to sit down and perfect continental, cause gee-wise folks...I guess English style isn't able to pump out a pair of socks in a day, and a shawl in like a few days...


  1. Well it is her job to be a uber cool knitter and she does not have little kids at home messing with your knitting time. That is what I tell myself any way when I get envious of her speed.

  2. Before you go to the work of learning to knit continental, go to YouTube and check out the videos of how the Yarn Harlot actually knits! I've changed FROM continental to her style, and it has speeded up my production considerably. It's really interesting!


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