Monday, January 09, 2012

Roundabout Shawlette Complete!

roundabout shawlette
The shawlette is blocked, folded, tagged with care instructions and shipped off to its recipient! Yay!

Pattern: KUAS' "Roundabout Shawlette"
Needles: US7 circulars
Yarn: MacKintosh Chubby Sock Yarn in "Minotaur" and KUAS fingering weight yarn in "Morning Roast"
Started: November 8th, 2011
Finished: January 8th, 2012

roundabout shawlette
I think it turned out well. The roundabout circles are a little more distinguishable now, post-block.

roundabout shawlette
Plus, it kind of looks cute as a curtain.

roundabout shawlette
This one was plastic-wrapped in photoshop. Looks wicked weird, but cool.

roundabout shawlette

roundabout shawlette
Cutout version, good for showing off the ruffled lace edging.

roundabout shawlette


  1. It is absolutely lovely!!!

  2. This is very cool! :) Love the colour

  3. I like the edging.

    Not something you normally see on a shawl.

  4. Wow! This is really gorgeous

  5. Beautiful shawl, and gorgeous colors! :)
    Recently found your blog, and linked from my own so other can find it too. ^.^


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