Saturday, August 06, 2011

Toys, toys, toys


It's been another crazy week in the Mal' household. Can you believe that after the onset of another storm...we lost power yet again?!? We were 1 of 9 in our area to loose power (thanks to our neighbors across the street). We didn't have power for almost 2 days...which is better than the 5 days last time, but honestly we are sick of the whole thing.

Anywho, here are some of the toys as promised. I still haven't knit up the texture ball I had envisioned, but here's what the boys have already. These two blocks are crocheted. I was planning on doing a couple of knit ones too. I used 100% cotton that I had in my stash. They are soft and squishy, which is refreshing after seeing how much these two tikes constantly hurt themselves from falling on their plastic toys.


Here's some cute knit bunnies. The yarn in chenille. I hope in the future that they can make best buds with them at nap time. They haven't found a "lovey" except for their pacifiers so far.


The boys really have taken off, physically, in July. They started crawling one week and not 4 or 5 days after their first real crawl they learned how to pull themselves into a stand,...and boy are they getting into trouble now!


I forget whether or not I mentioned in the last post about the other shawl I dragged out of hibernation, but I'm working on my red heart shawl again (although the last several days without power has been a setback) and hope to finish it this month. More details and pictures on that in the coming post. Ta-ta for now. We are off to Mariano's grocery store right's like a 5 star grocery store on Saturday. They even have a pianist playing jazz music by the checkout. :) That's how I like to shop!

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