Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hello, Michigan!

Hey gang. I'm at Joe's annual week-long family reunion that's up in Stevensville, Michigan. We have our own cabin (albeit far away from the rest of the fam's cabin) that is like a townhouse in the way that ours is connected to his parents/grandparents cabin, but instead of being normal-shaped...it's in the shape of a triangle. lol. The roof almost reaches the ground.

Anyways, I've been knitting away at the shawl while I and other family members watch the "I can pull myself into a stand and get into LOTS of trouble" babies. I plan on taking actual photos of these experiences when I remember to put the darn camera in the diaper bag. We are walking distance to the beach. We walked to the beach the other day and Lake Michigan looked so massive and beautiful, although quite windy, that I almost got lost staring out to 'sea'. Lake Michigan is soo expansive that it really looks like an ocean.

Question thrown out to the great cosmos: why is it that when you finally pack only 1 skein of yarn for a project instead of lots of it (being realistic)...you DO get to knit a lot and might not have enough with you on your trip to finish the project when you would have??? I guess it's a good problem if you got a lot done.

Oh, and I spent all my free-time last night while the babies were in bed figuring out the edging to the shawl...and I think I have the charted pattern now. Pfeuf! It takes a lot of stress off my back while knitting this.


  1. wow, I can't even imagine how hard it is to knit a shawl, you must have lots of patience! :)

    Lovely blog by the way, I'm really glad I came across it

    x x x

  2. Thanks Hayley! Most shawls aren't bad. Well, as long as you're not distracted all the time while knitting it!


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