Saturday, July 02, 2011

Forest Necklace

forest necklace

Dear Blog,
Here's another necklace, dubbed the "forest necklace" due to it's colors. Instead of using crocheter's yarn, the necklace is crocheted using gold wire. I watched a tutorial online from a website called "Auntie's Beads" and whipped myself up something similar.


Do you remember Victoria? She decided to model off another KUAS project even though she has a lack of a neck.


The only problem with crocheting these puppies up, besides putting a bigger dent in the wallet is that my little boys find them WAY too appealing and I can't really wear them! When they see them around my neck as I hold them, their eyes light up and their little pudgy fingers reach out and tug on them first thing. Oh well. I still will continue to craft away at these necklaces because I have more ideas storming around in my head. I even want to venture out to real beading without the hook.

But, dear blog, alas...I have not completely forsaken the needles. Do you remember my Rippled Reading Afghan? I have dragged it out from the dark depths of my closet and have continued to knit those long, long rounds. (It probably takes more than 10 minutes each round now.) The colorway is so vibrant, so beautiful, I can't help to do a round here or there. Since that picture it has grown maybe 6 or more inches. I am on my last skein, so I had to order up some more skeins or the afghan will be much too small for my liking.

I have also dragged out my "Aestlight Shawl" that I started over a year ago. I don't recall posting about it. Could be wrong. I dragged it out of hibernation as well, surprised to find it just about done. Story of my life, right? I got really scared when I couldn't find the pattern that I checked off where I left off. The middle of lace is not the time to guess. I think there's only a few more rounds of lace left besides the edging. More on that later.

The boys turned 8 months several days ago. They are eating solids, trying to scoot/crawl (Sam actually crawls backwards because he still hasn't figured out forwards) and are very vocal, arrr---baaaa---maaa and blows razz's. Can't believe they will be 1 years old in under 4 months!

Gotta run. Have a great Fourth of July to those in America! I'm thinking about knitting up the boys diaper soakers in the striped Red-White-Blue cotton colorway. If you're bored, this pattern was Fourth of July festive from '09: Let Freedom Ring.

-Yours truly.


  1. super duper pretty!! I love it so much!

  2. Your necklace is gorgeous. The boys are adorable!

  3. The necklace is beautiful - eventually the boys will grow and not be so grabby and you'll be able to wear them!


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