Friday, November 12, 2010

My Babes are 2 weeks old and die-hard Hawkeye Fans already

jake and sam 2 weeks

jake and sam 2 weeks
One of the nurses took two pictures of them the other night, and so we scanned these adorable photos in. My husband jokes that Jake is giving his little brother the "death grip" which shows the nature of them in the womb (their size, mainly).
Jake 2 weeks
Look! No oxygen anymore!!! Jake was 4 pounds, 6 ounces yesterday...and so his last mission besides maintaining his own oxygen is bottle-feeding better. He and his brother got spoiled with their nose-tube feedings.
sam 2 weeks
Sam is 3 pounds 5 ounces. He does not like his vitals being checked...he grunts and grunts and turns really red. However, I did get to see his beautiful dark blue eyes once he was really "disturbed." He remained awake for the rest of the visit then.


  1. They are looking so healthy and adorable! Hopefully they will be able to go home soon

  2. They are adorable. I am glad to hear things continue to improve. :)

  3. So glad the boys are doing so well. Congratulations to you all.

  4. Woo hoo! No oxygen is Big Progress! They are so very handsome in their hats, and I'm cheering for them!!

  5. Glad they're getting bigger and stronger and that they're hawkeye fans =P

    email me your address, hopefully these clothes will fit. No, I didn't get the same colours or anything, I think you'll like them.

    Hope you and Joe are doing great also! <3 Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. So glad the boys are doing better! Hope you and hubby are gettting better too.


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