Sunday, June 06, 2010

The start of something new

sweet as candy

Well, I am now offially in my second trimester! My bump is getting larger, and yet I still feel the need for small, manageable projects. I pulled this "Sweet as Candy" Cardi out of the hibernation bin and knitted away at it. Well, ok, it served as two purposes...because I needed my size 7 circ's too.

sweet as candy

But, I feel great having finished another project after a long lull of startitis. I am craving to knit another baby cardi in sportweight yarn with lots of wonderful bright colors. I think I have been watching way too much Ravelry projects done with those wonderful assortments of colors as shawls and cardi's.

sweet as candy

Really, this entire cardi was improv, and I don't mean in the general sort of way that I normally knit and design. This is a no-real-vision type of improv. It was started 2 or 3 years ago in just a top-down raglan fashion when I had that sort of kick, and was hibernating ever since until a few days ago when I just decided that instead of a boring 1x1 edging, I'll try some simple frilly-frill garter lacing. Heck, it's meant for a girl (if I have at least one), and you can get away with that sort of thing when they're babies.

I think it's cute, overall. I just have to knit away at a boy version now. No frills. I'm thinking maybe another BSJ.

By the way, I'm tres excited about this year's Midwest Fiber Fair. Anyone planning on attending that? I used to think that the other ones were close to me (30-45 mins), but now!'s 12 minutes away, and would have been 5 minutes if they hadn't relocated Lake County Fairgrounds this year. I'm super-duper excited to buy some bright shades, maybe some STR for some more baby things.


I've been tending to my balcony garden, and am waiting with much anticipation for my tomatoes to pop up. Ever since my Snowpeas and radishes came up, I splurged some more for my garden (which I only have a few types of plants to show you, since these photos are a couple weeks old).


The first to really be fruitful is of course my snowpea plant. I have yet to see the string beans pop up, but it's still the beginning of June.



My lovely radish plant that overgrew, and didn't come with the instructions that once it flowers, the radishes diminish to support it. Yowzers. I decided to dig them up and make Radish Leaf Potato Soup. It was interesting, and wholesome. I'm not sure how much vitamins are retained after cooking it, but as a raw product, radishes are one of the most vitamin-rich plants. So I've read.


My cherry/beef tomato plant that looks totally different now. It's flowering everywhere, and I watch every day for some tomatoes to form.

If anyone's interested, my plant inventory now seems to be: snowpea, string bean, cherry, beef and roma tomatoes, green onion, radishes, jalepeno, rasberry, green pepper, cilantro, basil and a couple flowering plants.


Lastly, Joe and I spent last Saturday at Kalahari, as a last-minute attempt to have a vacation before we don't have a life anymore. We do have a week-long reunion that's coming up in the middle of June, but this was just about us. I couldn't do much (really, just the lazy river, eatting, getting a little sun and drinking virgin drinks), but it was nice to say we tried to have a little vacation in the Dells.


  1. The little cardi is lovely. Truly sweet as candy. Snowpeas are looking good too. Mine should be called slow peas, but then we've had constant rain. The only things that are happy in the garden are the potatoes.

  2. I will be hitting the fiber fest too! July 16-18th right? It's going to be my first time attending anything like that so I am super excited :)

    Grats on the second trimester, If you need some bibs or baby booties let me know ;)


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