Sunday, January 17, 2010

Winter Shawl

Meet Victoria.


Victoria has spiritedly joined the KUAS team by displaying FO's. And as a self-model and self-photographer a good portion of the time, it's a good deal. Ain't she purty? I got her at one of my favorite stores; one that has items always on discount and is unpredictable and sells unique things. She was a winner. And boy did I feel weird walking out of the mall with her. ha ha.


Hey, hey hey...I finished a project yesterday. It wasn't on the progress list, so you didn't see that coming. Bada-bing-bada boom! I blocked it on one of my Christmas presents from the hubby, blocking boards. It did need to be blocked, but I have to admit that after knitting the edging and looking at the edging post-blocked...I kind of liked how it looked pre-blocked. It almost looks like I just did garter stitch and stretched it out to have waves, but I did indeed to the work of increases and decreases. Oh well. Experience.


The first finished project that Victoria is displaying is from one of my hibernating projects, my Winter Princess Shawl. Because the body is made out of mohair, it's very warm and perfect as a shawl-scarf for the winter time.


This is a good stashbusting project. I used one skein of KidMo yarn, and did the rest of the border in Malabrigo Lace yarn, in a colorway that is just gorgeous. I just love that lavender, it's soo soothing.


Project: Winter Princess Shawl (KUAS orignial)
Yarn: 1 skein of Blue Moon Fiber Arts' KidMo & 1/5 skein of Malabrigo Lace
Needles: size US9 circs
Project started: May 18th 2009 Project Finished: January 16th, 2010


  1. Very Beautiful Shawl. Victoria models it wonderfully :)

  2. Awesome find, and great knit! Love it!

  3. Beautiful and Victoria is great too!

  4. that's really pretty! i LOVE malabrigo so i love this even more because of it. easiest yarn to work with.

  5. i totally love it!! And I WANT Victoria! She is a really cool model for FOs.

    p.s- great pictures too. ;-) Your blog is amazing...I've been lurking for a while now, but I just had to comment on the shawl/Victoria. Will there be a pattern? I totally want one!

  6. Love Victoria, and she never gains weight. I'm envious. She is the perfect model. The shawl is lovely, I really like the combo of colors and textures!

  7. Welcome Victoria. That knit looks good on you.....make sure you give it back to kk

  8. Oh my gosh! What a great idea to block on those foam blocks!!!!! I never thought of that! I am going to have to look into that. I may just steal your idea.

  9. Hey I like her!! Nice shawl! :D


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