Thursday, September 10, 2009

BSJ & Wedding Shower, the sequels

It's been wedding central around here, so I'd like to start this post off with some knitting action. I hope you don't mind. ;)

BSJ 2 back

Project: Baby Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmerman, the genius
Start: July 12, 2009 Finished: September 7, 2009 (worked real diligently, didn't I?)
Yarn: Bernat Baby Jacquards in "I'm a Big Boy"
Needles: Size US 7 circulars
Recipient: a co-worker's grandson

BSJ 2 floor

BSJ 2 front

This BSJ is made for a co-worker's grandson that was born at the end of July. I figured that by the time the little tike needed to wear it, he would fit perfectly into it. The grandma, who is still in her youthful 40's may I add, was thrilled with it and mentioned how "fancy" the stripes looked. (score one for EZ AND the yarn's striping colorway that takes all the work out for me!)

BSJ and bootie

The baby bootie above is a mock-up of a pattern design that I was fiddling around with. The yarn is much to thick, of course, but the colors matched. I would use sport-weight yarn, and I still have to work out the kinks...but it is the start of a baby mochasin pattern.

aestlight preview

I have also casted on for Gudrun Johnston's beautiful "Aestlight Shawl." I'm using my fabulous Schaefer yarn in "Anne" that has been saved up for a worthy project for a few years. I casted-on during Labor day and knit during the few spare seconds I had while watching some TV series (Bones & Charmed, mostly). I can't wait to get back some real spare time, after all of the craziness has died down. I was just thinking about my "glory" knitting days, back in college, when school was my only work...and mucha knitting actually got done. *SIGH* Real world. Real pain.

Drum-roll please.....

wedding shower cake library

Wedding Shower, part II. (I'm really getting spoiled, and I'll be rotten after my MIL's "card shower" that she and Joe's Aunt are throwing me this Saturday.) This shower was held by the amazing library staff that I work with! They pitched in for food & oodles of presents! Boy-O-Boy my kitchen is stocked! We are truly blessed that we have such amazing people that have been soo generous to us while we are starting our lives out from scratch.

food table at library

me and sharon

I was thinking there would mostly be cards and a few gifts, but I was SHOCKED by the magnitude of showering of gifts by my workplace! Holy Chileetos. I got soo many kitchen supplies (mostly baking) now between the two showers, and I can't wait to use them all, because I love to cook. Joe and I really look forward to cooking & hosting parties for the future holidays coming up! Apple & pumpkin pies, pot roast, succulent turkey, casseroles, ah!

library shower group

This photo above only shows a 1/3 of the peeps who actually attended. Someone had to tend to the patrons!! lol. "Hey guys, the party's here!"

On another note, I've been as busy as a squirrel collecting for the winter. I've chosen my cake options, I've officially got everything important into place, bought my wedding party their gifts, gone to my final dress fitting, worked on RSVP responses, etc, while the guest favors and wedding program is still getting worked on this week. Crazy stuff. This is also happening while Joe and I work on packing up our things because we move out in a week! I'll be moving in on the week that I pull double-shifts at work, while still teaching 14 students. That should be fun, shan't it? By the end of this, I might have more fiber to spin because my hair will be falling out in clumps. At least it will be eco-friendly.(Too far? Yeah, probably.)

wedding cake preview

22 days.


  1. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :)
    Don't get too stressed, remember to take some time to relax! The baby sweater looks super cute as well. Good luck with the last of the wedding stuff! :)

  2. YAYYY!!! looks like you have kept up knitting during this stressful time. love the little jacket, and the napkins!!!! Awesome.

  3. wow, your blog is a lot of fun! I just got married last year and I applaud you for getting that baby sweater done AT ALL! :)


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