Saturday, August 15, 2009

Playing Catch-up

Hey Knitters.
Don't worry, I have not forgotten about you, despite my lack of postage this month.

I have had the most wonderful vacation the last week of July, filled with all sorts of "Wisconsin Dells" stuff. We went to "Noah's Ark," rode on the "Ducks," went to "Ripley's Believe-it-or-Not," shopped downtown, ate. Ate some more. Then ate after eating more. We also did fire-pits every night (braved the mosquitoes and ticks), read & swam at the local pool, and even had a couple of "Buff-a-ganzas" (awesome, I know, all you Buffy fans!) I even had a mojito while reading the end of "Girl with a Pearl Earring." I did get to do most of my new pair of socks' legs, as well as work on the baby jacket, but there was soo much to do, I couldn't focus on it. Also, there wasn't much room to sit and knit in a group of 23. If you like to read, chow down on Hostess products, eat other such junkfood, favor white castles and shoot rubberbands, you'll get along great in Joe's family.

As for other such things taking up my time: working extra hours, apartment searching & of course wedding stuff. About 1 1/2 months left! Yowzers! I just did my gown fitting, and the wedding invites go out Monday!

I've got the terrible 'bout of the allergies (chest congestion, weakness & dry-mouth), so I'm pretty much bed-ridden on my weekend off, so I'll post some progress pictures later on my knits, as well as my new chic haircut. It's got soo many layers that she took off probably more than half my hair body, and now my curly hair works great with it! Oh, I also have my first wedding shower pics to show ya!! You've gotta see the pic of me opening up "the meat mallet." Ha! Watch out, Joe!

P.s- I bought a value-pack on "Charms" season 1&2. I'm really getting into it! It's more of a slow pull-you-in than Buffy has for the first season, but I'm really getting hooked.
Plus, Harry Potter 6 was awesome! As well as "Julie & Julia!" Funny!

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