Friday, May 08, 2009


wedding shawl

I'm back at home, and was pleasantly greeted by blooming flowers and fragrant smells. It's really great sitting outside with a warm breeze blowing on you while you knit. Ahhh.

wedding shawl

I've gotten several inches done since Iowa City. The shrug was only half this size, or less. I think it's really coming along, and I'm still trudging through.

wedding shawl

Here's a close-up of the shrug. It's about 14'' long right now from the edge of the sleeve. I'll need to knit the main body for 22'' or so. That means I'm around half way done.

baby llama

I went to two LYS in Iowa while I was visiting Joe this week. At Crazy Girl Yarns, I bought a "just in" 9'' circular needles in size 2 and two sample wool-washes. I'll either love or hate those needles, which I intend to use on knitting socks on-the-go. Right now I'm iffy.

I also bought two beautiful skeins of Miski baby llama yarn in a natural color, brown. They will one day be made into a silky scarf. It's very soft, and doesn't scratch my sensitive neck in the least bit.

Alright kids, back to work. Get those needles clicking...

wedding shawl


  1. That's a lovely pattern, and looks really nice in the white yarn.

  2. The shawl is beautiful already. :)

    I have the 9" circs in size 2 & 3 and I really like them. The only thing I've done is to start on dpns and switch to the circs on row 5 or so and you'll also need dpns for the heel. Otherwise, I really like them and the socks knit up faster, IMHO.


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