Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just in.

I took the day off from my part-time job to work at home, dyeing up some more innovatory for my shop:

The Secret Life of Bees," Peruvian Fingering Weight yarn

"Go, Go, USA!" Peruvian Fingering Weight Yarn

"Go, Go, USA!" Superwash Blend Fingering Weight Yarn

"Double Potions with Snape," Superwash Blend Fingering Weight Yarn

I really love the "Secret Life of Bees" colorway. I wanted to dye up some immediately after I finished the book. I really recommend that you guys read it this summer if you have the time. I really like the texture of the peruvian wool. It's earthy. Almost like home-spun yarn.

My life has been super-busy lately. My relatives from out-of-town just left yesterday, and I am trying to get things in life, my jobs (note the plurality), my stress, and also my designing. I had to change the design a little (story of my life, right?), so I am now working full-force on it again. The pattern is pretty simple. I'll be writing it up tonight if I can, while also knitting up as much as I can tonight as Joe gets back from Iowa. Thank God for TV series right? How else will I pass the time knitting for so many hours? You know Liz, this would have been easier to design had I had the yarn when I was leaving Iowa. Time wouldn't have been so sparse.

1 comment:

  1. liking the "Double Potions with Snape," Superwash Blend Fingering Weight Yarn :D


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