Saturday, March 08, 2008

Gypsies & such.

Well, that's that. I just finished my "Gypsy" socks & finally caught up to the latest Lost show, which means I will have to patiently wait with you all until next Friday, or the next Friday after that for the next showing.
Stitch count: 64sts
Needles: size 2 dpns, Brittany needles
(a gentle reminder that the Midwest Fiber fair is coming up again in July)
Sock Method: top-down
Fiber: Celtic fingering weight yarn, my colorway: Gypsy
Yards: 300? I have quite a bit left
Skills: mindless knitting for hours

I am also excited to announce that I am getting into making stitch-markers to expand my Etsy shop! 

I am also pleased to announce that I have been working-out hardcore all week. This is the one resolution I am keeping. I can't wait until spring break, so I can go swimming, use their sweet elliptical walkers and steam room...and also start some new hobbies.

1 comment:

  1. the socks look fantastic. I can't wait to hear about your new hobbies, I am intrigued.

    I've been trying to workout more this past year and yesterday I took a class that nearly crippled me. I don't think my calf muscles will ever be the same again.


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