Friday, January 25, 2008

The last minute survival hat

I had another ball of my bulky green Cascade yarn. So I knit up another hat. Do you have lots of spare sock yarn lying around? Well, a great way to destash is to combine them with other yarn in your projects. I thought the result with my hat was interesting, even though next time, I'll knit a more fitted one. For now, I don't care. When the weather is hanging around zero, you start to get less picky. This hat is sure to cover your ears.

There will be more yarn up in my shop really soon. I dyed them at the end of break, and they are waiting to be rewound. You'll see my "butterfly," "sweet hearts," "Japanese blossoms" lace, and a couple more colorways.


  1. great idea for extra yarn. The hat looks great! :)

  2. Love the hat! The two colours go well together!


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