Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Coffee is my Prozac


Coffee is my Prozac. Especially in the morning. However, I've lived long enough to just say "nay" to the those delicious smelling brews while... enjoying one's cycle. Coffee & any form of pre-existing cramps do not mix. Ok, well, hot cocoa would have to do. I've been working (somewhat) diligently on my "Castle Corridors" socks. Here's a little preview.

I've been listening to Nicholas Spark's "At First Sight" while working today and knitting the heel. Just a couple more discs and I easily finished another book. Until now, I've always thought audiobooks were "cheating." Now I just think they are "practical," unless the voice is utterly annoying (like a lot of audiobooks).


Tuesday, I'll be gone all day hanging with my mom, Watching this diva above teach a (vocal) master class at Northern Illinois. If you don't recognize her, Renee Fleming is a famous soprano who just happens to be teaching a master class in between doing some gig in Chicago. After that, I'll be chillaxing for the rest of the day while my mom (trying to finish up her masters in voice) sings Verdi's Requiem all night long. I've got my audiobook on hand, another book, and lots of knitting to do. If I knew the score more, I would chirp in a few notes here and there...


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Aww, is that your fiance in the picture? The socks are really cute!

  2. Audio books are so not cheating!!
    How the heck else can you keep your reading habit from turning into a tv habit to have something to do while you knit...... granted not everyone can focus on knitting and tv, but for those of us who can.... and don't want to watch too much tv.... I love audio books!

  3. Your mom probably goes to school with my Hubby! He is getting his masters in sound engineering/computer music! Small world!! We both go to Northern,but I'm in the painting program.
    Anyways, have you visited the yarn exchange in Dekalb? If not, it is super fantastic!

  4. The sock is looking good. I love that pattern!

  5. The socks are great! and I love the blizzard pattern, too. Did I miss the information about the sock club?
    Your man is so handsome!

  6. BTW, I ordered an Owl necklace and *love* it!!!

    Check this out:
    Vote for me? Pleeeeease...

  7. The socks are looking great!


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