Friday, September 21, 2007

Random Friday #1

I very well will be knitting this WIP for the rest of my life, but I thought that this view was pretty interesting, and definitely a photo-taking chance that I couldn't pass up under any circumstances. Cries for more battery juice just had to wait.

Although my empty battery really did shut the camera off right after this shot, I walked home as happy as a drunk, with a nice comparison of my colorway to this seasoning tree.
You can almost hear my sigh of knitterly pleasure...
But, I've got to get a grip of reality. Seriously.
I need to work more diligently on this WIP, so I can finish it before Winter! Part of the whole problem revolves around my insistance on knitting a shawl with small needles. Now, if I were a normal person, which I'm not (lol), I would be knitting this shawl on size 7's or such.
Nope, I'm knitting the dang thing up on size 4's. Tisk Tisk. It better keep me warm.

~the dreaded "senior's project~
As a Religious Studies Major, I'm required to do my "senior's thesis" project (research paper) on a subject of my own particular liking that relates to my professor's theme, "the part and the whole." You can almost laugh at the dramatics of the theme. As you can see, I've already snatched several books at the library. I've decided to do something related to desert fathers or other such persons who seclude themself from society to inhance their spirituality. As you can see, they generally are more in the "part" category, but I've got to somehow figure out to incorporate how their search for salvation through seclusion & feirce deprevational practices connects them to the whole. The quest is on. (later.)

Good thing it's due at the end of the semester. I've got time to procrastinate.

~me writing??~
Speaking of books, I've decided to work more on my own knitting mystery book.
I'm beginning to realize why I insist on reading mystery books lately: I'm in love with good "cozy" mystery books. I don't like the gore, I love the spice of romance, and a dash of supense within...kind of like a "Ross & Rachel" relationship on Friends, and how everything isn't too intense. So, last night, I decided to look up the criteria for a cozy mystery book.
So ok, don't get me wrong, I realize that my book may never actually be published, but I feel this urge to get my "creative writing" tingle out. I may stink at writing clear and concise essays, but I've always had a nack for writing good fiction snipits. Remember, creativity first, grammer later. lol.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hi, just wanted to say those sand sculptures are so amazing!! really fantastic.

  2. Your knitting is so pretty!

  3. Were you up in Harrison? That is close to me.....


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